Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    1. What is Mindfulness?

    2. What is Meditation?

    3. What is Mindfulness & Meditation Discussion

    4. What is Atma?

    5. What is Kriya?

    6. Why Meditate?

    7. What is Atma Kriya Meditation

    8. Philosophy

    9. Ethos

    10. Foundation - Asana

    11. Foundation - Breath

    12. Foundation - Intention

    13. Foundation - Mudras & Bandhas

    14. Foundation - Awareness & Self-Witness

    15. Foundation - Meditation Techniques

    16. Lifestyle

    17. Meditator's Lifestyle - Nutrition

    18. Meditator's Lifestyle - Eating Habits

    19. Meditators Lifestyle - Mealtime

    20. Meditator's Lifestyle - Post Meal Behaviour Discussion

    21. Meditators Lifestyle - Movement

    22. Meditator's Lifestyle - Resting

    23. Meditator's Lifestyle - When & Where to Meditate

    24. Meditator's Lifestyle 0 Q_A - How to respond to people who don-t understand my changes

    1. Introduction

    2. Samskaras

    3. Kundalini

    4. Nervous System

    5. Central Nervous System

    6. Vagus Nerve

    7. Homeostasis

    8. Endocrine System

    9. Circulatory System

    10. Respiratory System

    1. Nadis

    2. Gunas

    3. Prana

    4. Mudras

    5. Chakras

    1. Importance of Chakras

    2. Chakras & Function

    3. Chakras & Elements

    4. Chakras & Senses

    5. Sound

    6. Mantra Chanting A-U-M

    7. Chakras & Sounds

    8. Muladhara Chakra Lam

    9. Muladhara (Root) Chakra Details

    10. Swadhishthana Chakra VAM

    11. Swadhishthana (Sacral) Chakra Details

    12. Manipura Chakra RAM

    13. Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra Details

    14. Anahata Chakra YAM

    15. Anahata (Heart) Chakra Details

    16. Vishuddhi Chakra HAM

    17. Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra Details

    18. Ajna Chakra AUM

    19. Ajna (3rd Eye) Chakra Details

    20. Sahasrara Chakra SHRIM

    21. Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra Details Part 1

    22. Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra Details Part 2

    23. Module Wrap-up

    1. Preparing to Teach Discussion

    2. Hurdles to Teaching Part 1

    3. Hurdles to Teaching Part 2

    4. Hurdles to Teaching Discussion

    5. Hurdles to Meditating Part 1

    6. Hurdles to Meditating Part 2

    7. How to Manage the Hurdles

    8. Authenticity & Sharing Knowledge Part 1

    9. Authenticity & Sharing Knowledge Part 2

    10. Teaching Online

    11. Teaching In Person

    12. Guidance

    13. Holding the Space

    14. Holding the Space Discussion

    15. Class Structure

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  • 132 lessons
  • 48 hours of video content

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