Course curriculum

    1. Yogiville Gurukul Introduction

    2. Prana Kriya Yoga Course Introduction

    1. Breath Assignment

    2. Teaching Methodology

    1. Prana Kriya Yoga Breath Information

    2. Kumbhaka

    3. Mudras - Introduction

    4. Mudra - Shambhavi

    5. Mudra - Nasikagra

    6. Mudra - Namaskara

    7. Mudra - Samarpan

    8. Mudra - Samadhi

    9. Mudra - Apana

    10. Mudra - Jnana

    11. Mudra - Lingha

    12. Mudra - Prana

    13. Mudra - Prana Vayu

    14. Mudra - Shankha

    15. Mudra - Vayu

    16. Mudra - Yoni

    17. Mudra - Abhaya

    18. Mudra - Akash

    19. Mudra - Ashwini

    20. Mudra - Kaki

    21. Mudra - Kunta

    22. Mudra - Pancha

    23. Mudra - Samana

    24. Mudra - Tatva

    25. Mudra - Mushtik

    26. Mudra - Sanmukhi

    27. Mudra - Vishnu

    28. Mudra - Vajraoli & Sahajoli

    29. Mudra - Ananda

    30. Mudra - Ankush

    31. Mudra - Maha

    32. Mudra - Vipritta Karani

    33. Mudra - Brahma

    34. Bandhas - Introduction

    35. Bandhas - Jalandhara Bandha

    36. Bandhas - Mula Bandha

    37. Bandhas - Uddiyana Bandha

    38. Bandhas - Maha Bandha

    39. Drishti

    40. Primordial Sound

    41. Bindus

    42. Elements

    43. Chakras

    44. Granthis

    45. Nadis

    46. Prana

    47. Shariras

    48. Koshas

    49. Sacred Anatomy Quiz

    1. Breath Trials

    2. Introduction to Pranayama

    3. Pranayama Practice - Kapalashodhan Kriya

    4. Pranayama Practice - Vyutkrama Kapala Shodhan Kriya

    5. Pranayama Practice - Bhastrika

    6. Pranayama Practice - Ujjayi Pranayama

    7. Pranayama Practice - Nabhi Chakra Pranayama

    8. Pranayama Practices - Review

    9. Pranayama Practice - Sahaj Pranayama 1

    10. Pranayama Practice - Sahaj Pranayama 2

    11. Pranayama Practice - Sahaj Pranayama 3

    12. Pranayama Practice - A-U-M Chanting Pranayama Preparation

    13. Pranayama Practice - Bhramari Pranayama

    14. Pranayama - Preparation for Nadhi Shodhan and Anuloma Viloma

    15. Pranayama Practice - Nadi Shodhan - 1

    16. Pranayama Practice - Nadi Shodhan 2

    17. Pranayama Practice - Nadi Shodhan 3

    18. Pranayama Practice - Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

    1. Practice In and Out through the Nose - Part 1

    2. Practice In and Out through the Nose - Part 2

    3. Practice In through the Nose and Out through the Mouth

    4. Practice In through the Mouth and Out through the Nose

    5. Practice In and Out through the Mouth

    1. Kriya Analysis Template

    2. Adho Gati Kriya

    3. Bhujandanda Kriya

    4. Kampana Kriya

    5. Kashtha Prachhedan Kriya - Seated

    6. Kashtha Prachhedan Kriya (Standing)

    7. Kati Kriya

    8. Mula Tardana Kriya - Variation 1

    9. Mula Tardana Kriya - Variation 2

    10. Raka Gati Kriya - Variation 1

    11. Raka Gati Kriya - Variation 5

    12. Sarvanga Pushthi Kriya

    13. Udara Kriya

About this course

  • 180 lessons
  • 26 hours of video content

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